Brief voorlichting leefgeld Alblasserdam Engels

Per 1 februari verandert de regeling van het leefgeld voor Oekraïners in Nederland. Dit heeft mogelijk effect op het maandelijkse bedrag wat u ontvangt.

Invitation information session
Changes in living allowance as of February 1, 2023

Dear Sir or Madam,

On February 1, 2023, the rules for work and living allowance (‘leefgeld’) for Ukrainians in the Netherlands will change. This may affect the amount you and your family receive each month.

VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, the Dutch Council for Refugees, would like to invite you to an information session about the changes in your living allowance. You can attend this session online as well as in-person. Both options are explained below.

Who are we?

The Dutch Council for Refugees is an independent human rights organisation that has been defending the interests of asylum seekers and refugees for more than 40 years. For more information about us, visit our website:

What is the session about?

During the event we will cover several topics:

  1. Overview of changes in living allowance as of 1 February 2023

  2. Rules related to work and living allowance

  3. Additional changes for you and your family

You can ask questions at the end of the session.

Join an in-person meeting in your municipality

Would you like to attend an information session in-person? You are welcome at:

Date & time: Not yet determined

Location: Not yet determined

Join an online information session (webinar)

We would like to invite you to join one of our webinars. You can sign up by following the steps below:

  1. You can use this link: This will open the registration form.

  2. Enter your email address and choose the date you would like to attend the webinar. You will also be asked whether you live in a municipal shelter or whether you stay with a host family.

  3. Click Next at the bottom of the page.

  4. Important: Click on 'Submit' at the bottom of the second page to complete your registration. You will receive a confirmation of your registration, including a Zoom link, in your email.

  5. The webinar is held on Zoom. The application can be downloaded for free in the Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS). You will be asked to create an account in order to use Zoom.

The webinars will take place on 16 January, 23 January, 31 January, 6 February and 8 February. All webinars start at 19:00 and take about an hour and a half.

Do you stay at a host family?

The Dutch Council for Refugees can support you during your stay in the Netherlands. We would like to get in touch with you in order to inform you better about our services. If you would like to be contacted by us, you can share your telephone number in the registration form (QR-code). Our staff will contact you afterwards.

Do you have any other questions? Have a look at our website www.refugeehelp.nlfor more information, or contact our staff using the details below:


Consultation hours: Tuesday every other week at 18:00 and every Thursday at 12:00 at Havenkerk, Ieplaan 9, 2951 CB Alblasserdam

Kind regards,

Gemeente Alblasserdam & The Dutch Council for Refugees